Surf the web and pick three websites to work from: A non-profit organisation (for example a […]
PART 1 Think about your personal experience as a web user and answer the following questions: […]
Design your own printing checklist form. Decisions As usual, this task starts with lots of research, […]
Task: Use InDesign to design an 8-page brochure for a fictitious décor shop. The size of […]
Task: Compare the design (in terms of pace and contrast) of an online magazine, blog or […]
For this exercise we had to draw one or two squares or rectangles in an empty […]
In this post, I will include the description of the exercise:. Cut out a series of […]
We were asked to take at least five pictures every day this week in order to […]
White Balance White balance plays a key role in removing color casts in order to accurately […]
For this assignment, we have to familiarize ourselves with our camera and three basic camera settings: […]