
Use InDesign to design an 8-page brochure for a fictitious décor shop.

  • The size of the brochure should be A5 (when it is folded).
  • Design the brochure in full colour.
  • You are allowed to use Lorem Ipsum place holder text as body copy, but create sensible headings.
  • Use titles, headings and images of your choice.
  • Be sure to pay attention to:
    • Choice of type
    • Choice of imagery
    • Use of layout and grid to communicate the content

Fonts: Helvetica Neue Regular, Garamond Premier Pro- Italic

Images: Free stock images from Unsplash and Adobe Stock

Grid – Simple grid with 3 columns

This task was a bit difficult because my technical skills are still almost non-existent and it’s difficult to find time to get better while new tasks are coming in. Nevertheless, I tried my best and spent a LOT of hours working on this. At first I had a very different, more simple idea. However, when I saw the image with the pink clouds, I immediately got a new vision and decided to take a risk and try something different. This is how Cloud 9 Interior was born. 🙂

I went for a colorful and playful look, which I find very eye-catching, although finding free images was not an easy task. I used both symmetry and asymmetry in the design in order to alternate between calm and dynamic pages. I decided to keep the back cover very simple both because I like the look and I also find that not many people actually read this type of information anymore. Instead, I decided to add a QR code to the website where all the information can be found.

There are some things I am not quite satisfied with and I am sure there are mistakes, but I gave it my current best and I am mostly happy with it for a first try.

Second Version of spread (front and back are unchanged)

Not much change, just longer text on the right side.
Removed the title from left page to create more consistency and added an image that goes with the image on the right.
Tried to bring these pages a bit closer to the previous ones in color scheme.



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