Part 1

We were asked to choose a template we like from the list below and demo it.

I chose the Attar template from WordPress.


Low fidelity wireframe sketches – showing the structure and the different sections and building blocks of the website template.

Wireframe of blog page created with this template

Part 2

Acquire your own hosting service. (Mandatory)

What we are on right now is my own individual hosting service that I set up a while ago.

After completing the domain registration, you can write a short paragraph about the process, the hosting package you chose, and how you went about choosing a domain name. You can include screenshots of the process to illustrate it more graphically.

Because I went through this process a while back, I won’t be able to document the process through screenshots and perhaps not everything will be fresh in my mind, but I will include my insights regarding my decisions below.

I chose WordPress as the hosting site because it offers a lot of options for customization, plugins, etc., and it’s a site that is trusted by many. In fact, it is the world’s most popular website builder.

When I chose the platform and the domain name, I was thinking long-term. I decided to use my name as the name of the site because this is very unlikely to change and is completely flexible. I also did not have any issues purchasing this domain as my name combination is uncommon.

I would like to use this site to host my portfolio, showcase my design projects, and promote my work as a designer in the future. While this is what I have in mind, who knows what the future holds. I did not want to include any additional words that could limit me. The site will represent me and my work, whatever that may look like in the future, and this will be evident in the content I create.



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