The task:

Have a look at this website. Analyse the product and think about it critically.

What is problematic about it?


To list it all individually would take a really long time, so here is a quick list:

  1. Extremely busy and awful to look at
  2. Flashing items – very annoying and distracting
  3. The site doesn’t seem to fit in my window
  4. Placement and layout is horrible, it’s impossible to get a good overview – lack of order
  5. Trumplish
  6. A boatload of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors
  7. Awful font choices -unprofessional, outdated, and some are hard to read
  8. There is no color scheme – all the colors of the rainbow can be found and they also clash
  9. Images are terrible and the background is a tiled image (an absolute no-no)
  10. The “World’s Worst Website Ever” text is very bad quality – pixelated and fuzzy
  11. Uses Microsoft Word Art
  12. Uses huge fonts and all caps a lot – no sense of hierarchy
  13. Misinformation, random information, outdated information, bad advice 😉
  14. MAGA in huge letters across the page
  15. I wasn’t sure how to get back to the home page after clicking on the items in the navigation bar other than updating the link in the search bar.

How would you change it from a visual perspective (look and feel) to a human perspective (needs and wants)? Your changes might be as small as a colour change or more extensive, like decreasing the number of animations present. Draw up a list and note your findings and solutions.

This site is definitely a funny example as we can easily say that pretty much everything should change. I would start by using the list above and reverse-engineer the site.

  1. Simplify – layout, colors, images, fonts, information, etc. (This will help the viewer process the information better.)
  2. Remove any flashing items and animations and random “design elements”. (Make the site easy to look at for the viewer.)
  3. Re-create the site in a way that it fits different screen sizes. (Removes frustration for the viewer.)
  4. Update the language style – can be funny and down to earth if it’s fitting for the site, but must also be appropriate and professional. (Creates user confidence.)
  5. Free of grammar and punctuation errors. (Builds trust.)
  6. Remove any outdated, false, and random information. The information presented should be true, up-to-date, and to the point. Keep the amount of text to a minimum. (Builds trust and creates confidence.)
  7. Update fonts – use only legible and up-to-date fonts in appropriate sizes. No more than 2-3 typefaces. (Speaks of quality.)
  8. Update images – use only a few images in high quality (no tiling, etc.) and make sure it’s all cohesive – either use one style of images or make sure that the styles used work well together. (Comfortable and inspiring to look at. Also speaks of quality and taste.)
  9. Create a color scheme using just a few colors and stick to it. The colors must be pleasant to look at. They should have excellent harmony and contrast. (Comfortable to look at and helps organize the information presented quickly and in the right order.)
  10. Create visual and information hierarchy by using appropriate sizes, placement, and colors. (Helps the user process the information as intended.)
  11. Create a logical and intuitive layout for the site to ensure that the viewer can get a quick overview of the information available and find what they are looking for quickly. (Creates user satisfaction.)
  12. Create consistency – remove random blocks of information in different styles and create a consistent look throughout the site, making it comfortable for the viewer to view and navigate. (Predictability brings clarity and creates good user experience.)



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