Hi and welcome to my blog! 🙂

My name is Naomi Balog and I am a graphic design student at Noroff School of technology and digital media. So, what has lead me here?

My childhood was spent in Hungary, a place that is still close to my heart. In my teenage years, I was suddenly transported to the surprising destination of midwest America, where I lived and worked until my newfound love, now husband, wooed me to Stavanger, Norway. Now I live in this beautiful country enjoying a new season of life with all of its opportunities and challenges and the possibility to begin again.

My passion for art first began after taking an elective art class in high school. (To be honest, I only took the class because I couldn’t speak much English yet and I figured it would be an easier class to handle.) At the end of the semester, my teacher approached me and encouraged me to continue with art. She was the first person to notice a little hint of talent in me and I am still very thankful for her kind words and inspiration. 

I continued to enjoy art in my free time, always trying new things, such as drawing, painting, crafting, photography, and interior design. I decided that art should be my playground, a place for my inner child to roam without any demands. Pursuing an artistic career seemed unrealistic and beyond the scope of my talents, so why not make it my safe haven where I could express myself creatively without much added pressure or judgement? This was (and still is) therapeutic, but my attention was divided and I never took the time to develop a serious skill set in any of my interests. So here I am, putting on the pressure and getting out of my comfort zone in a major way, because what I really want isn’t ‘safe’. The destination I have in mind cannot be reached without hard work and difficult challenges along the way.

To be honest, I don’t know if I have what it takes to succeed in the creative field, but I do know that growth cannot happen without the struggle. I want to see what would happen if I really invested my time and energy into this area of graphic design and allowed myself to believe in the possibilities. My most important goal is to dedicate myself to acquiring the important skill sets needed, to not give up when it’s hard, and to push myself as far as I can in order to create value.

If you are interested, stop by and read about my progress, see my projects, and get a little glimpse of my hopes, dreams, frustrations, successes, and failures. You are welcome to tag along as I embark on this very scary yet exciting journey.

See you around!



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